Selasa, 08 November 2011

sifilis (raja singa)

1.       Syphilis is a chronic infectious disease with remissions and exacerbations, can affect allorgans, has a latent period and can be transmitted from mother to fetus. The disease iscaused by bacteria Treponema pallidum, which consists of three stages: stage I (confined to the glands penis, the corpus of the penis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris andperineum); stage II (the external genitalia, around the anus, armpits, mouth corners andunder the breast), stage III (GUMA may arise throughout the skin). Transmission occurs through direct contact between a festering wound in the skin or mucous membraneswelling or with body fluids such as semen, blood, and vaginal fluids during intercourse.Meanwhile, for transmission through oral sex can occur if the mouth of people who come into contact with the genitalia are torn wound so bacteria can get into it. Syphilis has aperiod ranging from 3 weeks shoots.

Diagnosis based on history, physical examination and investigation. History obtained frompatients complaining of lesions arise on the grounds clean, no pain in the genitals. On physical examination will look ulcer durum (small, painless, clean basis, the edge is notmengaung and no induration), kondilomalata (papules or plaques covered with a browncrust and wet) and GUMA (nodules or ulcers are deep, serpinginosa form, issued a secretseropurulen and tissue necrosis). And investigation is the examination of preparationsmade ​​directly using dark field microscopy to locate the bacteria Treponema pallidum.
3.       Signs of People Affected by King Lion (Disease Gender) Reporting from the Mayo Clinic, which occurs in the following stages of syphilis:
Primary syphilis
These signs may occur from 10 days to three months after exposure to the bacteria Treponema. Symptoms:
1. Small lesions occur without pain on the body where the bacteria entered, usually the genitalia, rectum, tongue or lips. Minor injuries but can cause ulcers.
2. Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin section of the sick will recover without treatment, but the syphilis infection remains. In some people, syphilis then moves to the secondary stage
4.       Secondary syphilis
The signs and symptoms of secondary syphilis begin two to 10 weeks after the sores appear and may include:
1. Skin rash, which often appear as sores, red or reddish brown, small size, anywhere on the body including the palms and soles of the feet.
2. Fever
3. Fatigue and a vague feeling of discomfort
4. Pain
5. Lymph nodes are swollen
6. Sore throat
7. Wart-like lesions in the mouth or genital area signs and symptoms may disappear within a few weeks or repeatedly come and go during the year.
5.       Latent syphilis
If not treated because there are no symptoms, syphilis secondary syphilis will move into the latent (hidden). Latent stage can last for years. Signs and symptoms will never go back, or the disease may progress to stage tertiary (third).
About 15 to 30 percent of people infected with syphilis who do not get treatment will develop complications known as tertiary or late syphilis. In the final stage, the disease can damage the brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones and joints. This problem can occur many years after initial infection.
Some of the signs and symptoms of late syphilis include:
1. Uncoordinated muscle movements
2. Paralysis
3. Numbness
4. Blindness gradual
5. Or senile dementia of the most common route of transmission is through contact with an infected sore during sexual activity. The bacteria enter the body through small cuts or abrasions in the skin or mucous membranes.
7.       Vulnerable people affected by syphilis:
1. Engage in high-risk sexual activity, including unprotected sex, sex with multiple partners, sex with a new partner, or having sex under the influence of drugs or alcohol
2. A man who have sex with men (homosexual)
3. People infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
8.        Syphilis is a kind of venereal disease caused by bacteria spirochaeta pallida which is nowcommonly called Treponema pallidum. These bacteria are spiral shaped white and diequickly outside the human body. The bulk of transmission occurs through unprotected sex.The picture is one of the images of chips gadung herbal syphilis
9.       Here are some herbal potions Lion King:
• Leaves remujung 200 grams, 100 grams of wood Anyang, fennel pulasari 100 gr. These materials are boiled it all. After the boiled water is taken three times daily 1 cup.
• Wood kedondong 4 fingers, washed and cut into pieces as needed. Boil in 5 cups waterand simmer until the water is staying 1 / 2 - his. Sesdah cold, filtered and drunk with sugarwater 1 cup 3 times daily.
• Bluebird chips that have been made ​​10 15 pieces, eaten as a dainty morsel of foodwhen drinking tea or coffee.
• 1 inch of Aloe vera leaves, washed and discarded skin. Cut into pieces and then drinkwater with sugar.

10.     Ciri” raja singa
1. Usually asymptomatic, but stillbirth or birth of a baby with Lues kongenita pointing towards diagnostics. It is necessary to diagnose patients earlier with syphilis
2. At birth the fetus or placenta looked hidrifilik.
3. In pregnancy, if there are sores on the genitals are the primary wound appear larger than usual in this state of pregnancy because of vascularization in the genital area more.
4. Primary infection caused chancre, depending on the size of the inoculum and the immunity of the patient.
5. Secondary infections will appear lymphadenopathy and rash.
6. In sifiliskongenita will look like symptoms
a. pemphigus sifilitikus
b. Deskwamasi on the soles of the feet and hands
c. Rhagade on either side of the mouth
11.   Pencegahan
prevention of transmission
1. in patients infected with syphilis should stop doing sifilisnya sexual activity until completely healed (negative infected with syphilis).
2. Do not have multiple sexual partners in the pull through sexual intercourse
3. Patients with syphilis should be tested for HIV at the time of diagnosis of syphilis.
4. Patients should always be checked out every 3-6 months after therapy
5. Always maintain cleanliness in the genital area
6. In the pull through sexual contact that men should use condoms
7. After having sexual relations both men and women wash their hands with soap and water until clean.
8. prevention of sexual activity with a person who has a sexually transmitted disease and with the negative disease status.
12.   Penebab penyakit sifilis
disease-causing syphilis
1. Sexual intercourse, bacteria transmitted during sexual intercourse carried out orally or transvagina
2. Transplacental: across the placenta from mother to fetus
3. Blood transfusion: if donors had syphilis

1. Usually asymptomatic, but stillbirth or birth of a baby with Lues kongenita pointing towards diagnostics. It is necessary to diagnose patients earlier with syphilis
2. At birth the fetus or placenta looked hidrifilik.
3. In pregnancy, if there are sores on the genitals are the primary wound appear larger than usual in this state of pregnancy because of vascularization in the genital area more.
4. Primary infection caused chancre, depending on the size of the inoculum and the immunity of the patient.
5. Secondary infections will appear lymphadenopathy and rash.
6. In sifiliskongenita will look like symptoms
a. pemphigus sifilitikus
b. Deskwamasi on the soles of the feet and hands
c. Rhagade on either side of the mouth

13.  Effect of syphilis on pregnancy:
1. Infection of the fetus occurs after week 16 of pregnancy and in early pregnancy, where Treponema have been able to penetrate the placenta barrier.
2. Consequently prematurus stillbirth and parturition.
3. Babies born with Lues konginetal: pemphigus sifilitus, diskuamasi-foot palms, as well as oral and dental abnormalities.
4. When new mothers suffering from last 2 months will not happen konginetal Lues.

14.   Perkembangan raja singa
The data reported by the Ministry of Health showed syphilitic reach 5000-10000 cases per year. While in China, showing the number of reported cases rose from 0.2 cases per 100,000 people in 1993 to 5.7 cases per 100,000 people in 2005. In the United States, about 36,000 cases of syphilis are reported each year, and the actual figure is estimated to be higher. Approximately three-fifths of cases happen to men.
The pattern of transmission that they monitor very changed in the period 1998 to 2002. When in the 1990s syphilis occurs only in the heterosexual, since 2001 the number of men who have sex with men account for nearly 60 percent. Between 2000 and 2002 a team led Ciesielski also interviewed those who are exposed to syphilis. The result, more than 14 percent of cases of syphilis infections occur through oral sex. This amount dlaporkan by 20 percent and 7 percent of gay men and heterosexual women.

Women prostitutes are the biggest risk factor. In the USA 160 cases of congenital syphilis is a case for not running adequate antenatal examination. Sexual relationship with either the primary syphilitic or secondary mepunyai 50% risk of developing this disease.

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